#2 Smell of fresh kill – Broken Ribs (MNG) #2 Smell of fresh kill – Broken Neck (-AG) #9 Claws clenched – Dead (RIP)
“So many horns so much metal so strong strong rats not used to being outnumbered by stronger foes must be clever to survive must be clever to get the Nut will be cleverer next time yes yes will get the Nut will never never let the ugly goatmen touch the Nut again must find more rats.
Claws clenched died but litters are being birthed and many rats will replace him. Rats will rise again will chew the ankles of our opposition will clawbite their throat throats flaying flensing shredding gnawing digging killing.”
“Our filthy foes, the Skaven were meeted with delight. We expected them to be crushed and outmanouvered, but there were some surprises.
Mikael had been a bit grim earlier in the day. That changed however as right after our kick when the rats tried to come through our defenses, he took a linerat from the crowd and strangeled the little creature in front of everybody's gazing eyes. All opposition was a little scared after this to say the least.
We had some trouble handling the ball but nothing we couldn't overcome with patience and skulls crushing. All in all a decent match to start with. We sure had Munck with us there injuring the furry folks!”
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Claws clenched died but litters are being birthed and many rats will replace him. Rats will rise again will chew the ankles of our opposition will clawbite their throat throats flaying flensing shredding gnawing digging killing.”