“Very fair game against a fun opponent. He had some *really* awful luck with the dice, but staid cool all the way through.
He then ended up doing massive casualties in the last 2 turns, but the game was already over by then.
Score of 5-3, saw some good plays.
Mus Musculus scored 3 TDs and gained a +AG, becoming the 2nd GR in the team with AG5. Mus Mysantropus got a TD and MVP, bringing him closer to a next skill as well. ”
He then ended up doing massive casualties in the last 2 turns, but the game was already over by then.
Score of 5-3, saw some good plays.
Mus Musculus scored 3 TDs and gained a +AG, becoming the 2nd GR in the team with AG5. Mus Mysantropus got a TD and MVP, bringing him closer to a next skill as well.