“This norse squad has been begging and pleading to face my skaven for weeks now, so we finally relented and agreed. Sure enough, we got absolutely pasted in the cas-department, suffering a game-opening RIP and a second first-turn cas. I'm still in shock the apo actually worked to negate the second RIP. However, despite his hitting the rats looked good, intercepting a pass to set up our first score, and were up 2-1 at the half, receiving second half.
Things looked good to score once more to get up 3-1, but now is when we started to get 1's at the worst possible times. Failed catching of passes; failed dodges to try to take the ball back; blasting his ball-holding blitzer, only to have the ball caught on the fly by his catcher, with my tackler then rolling a skull; more failed dodges; and to end the game, a 1 on the gfi to the endzone for the game-winning score as time expired.
But it was good nevertheless, although woulda been more good had we been able to give as good as we took. Wakizashi now has some serious contemplating to do--figure out how to use his agi 5 to best effect. Not bad for a simple storm vermin!”
Things looked good to score once more to get up 3-1, but now is when we started to get 1's at the worst possible times. Failed catching of passes; failed dodges to try to take the ball back; blasting his ball-holding blitzer, only to have the ball caught on the fly by his catcher, with my tackler then rolling a skull; more failed dodges; and to end the game, a 1 on the gfi to the endzone for the game-winning score as time expired.
But it was good nevertheless, although woulda been more good had we been able to give as good as we took. Wakizashi now has some serious contemplating to do--figure out how to use his agi 5 to best effect. Not bad for a simple storm vermin!”