“What better way to start a game than blocking a wood elf lineman with your chaos dwarf blocker: double skulls, reroll, double skulls, armor break, casualty: miss next game? Getting a blitz! against you at the next kick off is the correct answer of course, followed by getting your hobgoblin killed on a 1db on the next turn and the apo failing.
Luckily the woodies were laughing so hard at the poor chaos dwarves that their game went down the drain as well. When they didn't get hurt by blocking, they failed their dodges and got injured that way.
This was certainly the weirdest BB game I've played so far, I couldn't do anything but laugh at our luck at the start of the game.
Thanks for the game Falcone, and better luck to you as well in the future.”
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Luckily the woodies were laughing so hard at the poor chaos dwarves that their game went down the drain as well. When they didn't get hurt by blocking, they failed their dodges and got injured that way.
This was certainly the weirdest BB game I've played so far, I couldn't do anything but laugh at our luck at the start of the game.
Thanks for the game Falcone, and better luck to you as well in the future.”