#9 Barfy McGill – Smashed Knee (NI) #12 The Schitt – Dead (RIP)
“What a game from the mozzie infested flea puts of downtown Woshintin. the maiden voyage of the Snottie ship 'Survivor' saw plenty of action and casualties to wow the crowds.
In their second game the 'Skins took the early initiative using a screen of Black Orcs to manouevre the gifted Rintie Spin into a good field postion. The 'Vivors attempted havoc in a savage central maul, but the Orc line held the advancing trolls. Strength of numbers allowed the attackers to hem in the lees-than-mobile beasts in the fray, who were only too happy to oblige as they tried to break skulls, ignorant of the game being played around them.
Advancing along their flank the 'Skins strike force of Spin and Swerve sent Snotties flying into the sideline as they rushed for an early lead. Meanwhile the 'Vivors realised the harsh reality of the U-league, no one more so than 'The Schitt' who found he way to Snottie heaven at the hands of Yutoo Bono.
With not long lef tuntil the break, was clear the 'Vivors were not interested in the game of Blood Bowl and intent on winning through attrition. However, many of the strikes failed to meet their mark and the Orcish contingent survived unscathed.
After the restart the Snottie coach held up the game in his own 3/4 whilst delicately probing the Orcish line for weakness. It was only a matter of time before the trolls realised which team they were on and start bashing heads together, Badly Hurting two Black Orcs in the process. Things were looking good for the Snotties when Boilhead made a break up the wing, only to be Knocked Out by Schitt's murderer Yutoo.
Disaster struck, stupidity took root. Mushroom Bob collected the ball and countered whilst the 'Vivor's Big Guys struggled to pick themselves up off the floor unaided. 2-0 to the 'Skins.
At this point the Snottie coach gave up hope of victory by TDs and with the clock counting down resorted to the only play his trolls understood - fight fight fight!!! Seconds to go and the 'Skins cheerleaders already involed in a bizarre and unnatural celebratory ritual, Mongo Meatgrinder demonstrated the skills he learnt from his days in the abortoir, by devouring the 'skins brightest hope #8 Rintie Spin. A shocked crowd sat in silence, whilst their team favourite was eaten alive by the big oaf from the Under the Bridge.
(In honour of his dedication and contribuition to the team's locker room odour, Rintie Spin was awarded the 'Skins MVP)
Final result 2-0 the 'Skins.
Post Script: It has since been reported that the GreenSkins are suffering from a distinct lack funds. A leaked source claims that Rintie was not all he seems and his superstar lifestyle of fast boars and easy squigs was putting a considerable strain on the coaches coffers. More to follow ...”
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In their second game the 'Skins took the early initiative using a screen of Black Orcs to manouevre the gifted Rintie Spin into a good field postion. The 'Vivors attempted havoc in a savage central maul, but the Orc line held the advancing trolls. Strength of numbers allowed the attackers to hem in the lees-than-mobile beasts in the fray, who were only too happy to oblige as they tried to break skulls, ignorant of the game being played around them.
Advancing along their flank the 'Skins strike force of Spin and Swerve sent Snotties flying into the sideline as they rushed for an early lead. Meanwhile the 'Vivors realised the harsh reality of the U-league, no one more so than 'The Schitt' who found he way to Snottie heaven at the hands of Yutoo Bono.
With not long lef tuntil the break, was clear the 'Vivors were not interested in the game of Blood Bowl and intent on winning through attrition. However, many of the strikes failed to meet their mark and the Orcish contingent survived unscathed.
After the restart the Snottie coach held up the game in his own 3/4 whilst delicately probing the Orcish line for weakness. It was only a matter of time before the trolls realised which team they were on and start bashing heads together, Badly Hurting two Black Orcs in the process. Things were looking good for the Snotties when Boilhead made a break up the wing, only to be Knocked Out by Schitt's murderer Yutoo.
Disaster struck, stupidity took root. Mushroom Bob collected the ball and countered whilst the 'Vivor's Big Guys struggled to pick themselves up off the floor unaided. 2-0 to the 'Skins.
At this point the Snottie coach gave up hope of victory by TDs and with the clock counting down resorted to the only play his trolls understood - fight fight fight!!! Seconds to go and the 'Skins cheerleaders already involed in a bizarre and unnatural celebratory ritual, Mongo Meatgrinder demonstrated the skills he learnt from his days in the abortoir, by devouring the 'skins brightest hope #8 Rintie Spin. A shocked crowd sat in silence, whilst their team favourite was eaten alive by the big oaf from the Under the Bridge.
(In honour of his dedication and contribuition to the team's locker room odour, Rintie Spin was awarded the 'Skins MVP)
Final result 2-0 the 'Skins.
Post Script: It has since been reported that the GreenSkins are suffering from a distinct lack funds. A leaked source claims that Rintie was not all he seems and his superstar lifestyle of fast boars and easy squigs was putting a considerable strain on the coaches coffers. More to follow ...”