“A great fun game. The Babes had a player advantage on the pitch as they hit with extreme prejudice.
The Babes had the game in the bag at 3-3 up and control of the ball downfield, but sportingly chose not to stall scoring and gave Madathar the chance to score a difficult equaliser.
Madathar managed to pull off the long pass, catch and dodge with no team rerolls left after the Babes failed to knock over the solitary Madathar player who made it to scoring range.
A fun game against a fun opponent. I had it good in the first half taking out a couple of his tacklers with Badly Hurt casualties, and from memory another ended up in the casualty ward on a failed GFI.
Still a fun game. I racked up 5 advances this game, but Nuffle mugged me bad, aging 3 players (16, 31 and 51 rolls failed, the two made were). End result being a niggle on my best Blitzer, a niggle on a Lino and a -1 MA on another Blitzer. Ouch.”
The Babes had the game in the bag at 3-3 up and control of the ball downfield, but sportingly chose not to stall scoring and gave Madathar the chance to score a difficult equaliser.
Madathar managed to pull off the long pass, catch and dodge with no team rerolls left after the Babes failed to knock over the solitary Madathar player who made it to scoring range.
A fun game against a fun opponent. I had it good in the first half taking out a couple of his tacklers with Badly Hurt casualties, and from memory another ended up in the casualty ward on a failed GFI.
Still a fun game. I racked up 5 advances this game, but Nuffle mugged me bad, aging 3 players (16, 31 and 51 rolls failed, the two made were). End result being a niggle on my best Blitzer, a niggle on a Lino and a -1 MA on another Blitzer. Ouch.”