“I won the Luck-fight... Beats me how, since I was down 34-60 after the first half...
No matter where I went there was always an ogre and/or a few gobbos blocking my path...
George is turning out to be a nice little gobbo, jumping up and intercepting a pass on 8+. Gotta love the green ones...
Not too much worked in my game today, but on the other hand, I really don't see what I could have done differently. I was outclassed and outskilled on the pitch today.
Pelinna got a free skill... That's nice... She now has Mighty Blow... Stay away Gobbos!
Great fun, as always...
Congratulations to the win! Next time, Gadget. Next time... ”
“The Ogres' notoriously poor 100tr performances has been kept at bay thanks to outstanding doses of Ridiculo-luck (TM) in a fun but decidely weird game.
The reason the Friendly Fellows' luckometer is so low is because of Bonehead rolls. Although they had a tendency to leave gaping holes in my defence, they aren't game-killers. DonTomaso's ones on dodges, pick-ups and passes, however, were.
The match could oh-so-easily have finished 2-2 (or even 1-2) and only a massive run of 3+ dodges, a 3+ pass/catch combo and two GFIs gave me the third touchdown, and the corresponding flattering scoreline.
In the first half the Fellows suffered only a couple of Boneheads and the pows were flowing freely. Only one casualty, but he was the lone block skilled Dragonwarrior and he fell very early on. The Ogres kicked-off but scored first, only to see the elfs pull one back in turn 8. The half finished 1-1.
The second half began a little fairer, with the Dodgers enjoying the better of the luck. After winning the ball back from the Ogre's, they looked the more likely scorers - until, that interception-on-a-6 from George. The team's mastermind then scampered off to score the crucial second td.
Failed passes were the bane of the High Elves, and it was from a scattered long bomb that little Johnny Elfkisser was able to score the third and final touchdown.
With very few turnover-saving skills (the Dodgers had a catcher, and my gobbos had dodge) and only one reroll each, this was always going to be something of a luck free-for-all. As it turns out, Nuffle loves me the most. Hurrah for Nuffle.
Next time indeed.”
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No matter where I went there was always an ogre and/or a few gobbos blocking my path...
George is turning out to be a nice little gobbo, jumping up and intercepting a pass on 8+. Gotta love the green ones...
Not too much worked in my game today, but on the other hand, I really don't see what I could have done differently. I was outclassed and outskilled on the pitch today.
Pelinna got a free skill... That's nice... She now has Mighty Blow... Stay away Gobbos!
Great fun, as always...
Congratulations to the win! Next time, Gadget. Next time...