In the pouring raining that changed to more pouring rain… the Khamaseen received the kickoff and Khaemhet easily plucked up the slippery ball and proceeded to safely score after some stalling.
With two turns left in the half, the weather and luck changed for Korcan Untuaur (our minotaur) who overcame his very unlucky streak of failed blocks and self-inflicted serious injuries (thankfully apoth saved him) to knock out a mummy!
We had a chance to score and a RR to spare. We blocked away the defenders to open up a hobgoblin within movement of the endzone. Up went the errant pass… need a 4… reroll… fumbbl!!!! Our bad luck was back.
Second half: Mummy still knocked out, so we only faced three STR5 players… which doesn’t sound too good. On the opening kick Korcan was out for revenge and he nearly killed Ptahhemhat-Ty (a mummy) who regenerated.
A dwarf got the ball, and coach Ug tried a cage offense to move the ball… no luck and the dwarf went down, but the ball went straight into the hands of one of our hobbos! We then carefully guarded the ball and stalled at the goal line to score with just one turn left in the game to lock in a 1-1 tie.
Game highlights:
* Mautu Gornth (Bull Centaur) got two casualties!
* Apoth saved Korcan from a -ma injury in the first half when Korcan failed a block…
* High casualty game although the Khermi escaped without any permanent losses…
* Lost another dwarf and don’t have the funds to replace him yet…
* Seventh tie for the Uneasy Alliance (or is it the undecisive alliance?)
GG LurkingGrue!”
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
In the pouring raining that changed to more pouring rain… the Khamaseen received the kickoff and Khaemhet easily plucked up the slippery ball and proceeded to safely score after some stalling.
With two turns left in the half, the weather and luck changed for Korcan Untuaur (our minotaur) who overcame his very unlucky streak of failed blocks and self-inflicted serious injuries (thankfully apoth saved him) to knock out a mummy!
We had a chance to score and a RR to spare. We blocked away the defenders to open up a hobgoblin within movement of the endzone. Up went the errant pass… need a 4… reroll… fumbbl!!!! Our bad luck was back.
Second half: Mummy still knocked out, so we only faced three STR5 players… which doesn’t sound too good. On the opening kick Korcan was out for revenge and he nearly killed Ptahhemhat-Ty (a mummy) who regenerated.
A dwarf got the ball, and coach Ug tried a cage offense to move the ball… no luck and the dwarf went down, but the ball went straight into the hands of one of our hobbos! We then carefully guarded the ball and stalled at the goal line to score with just one turn left in the game to lock in a 1-1 tie.
Game highlights:
* Mautu Gornth (Bull Centaur) got two casualties!
* Apoth saved Korcan from a -ma injury in the first half when Korcan failed a block…
* High casualty game although the Khermi escaped without any permanent losses…
* Lost another dwarf and don’t have the funds to replace him yet…
* Seventh tie for the Uneasy Alliance (or is it the undecisive alliance?)
GG LurkingGrue!”