“Very enjoyable game. I very nearly beat myself with some absolutely boneheaded decisions, which allowed him to take a 2-0 lead and very nearly a 3-0 lead, but fortunately his big-handed gutter couldn't pick up the ball and I could make it 2-1. He kept on scoring, and I was forced to rely upon my OTS gutter far more than I prefer, but I have to admit he kept us in the game til very late, when the score was 5-4 and he was driving. Things looked grim, which his gutter in a cage and no way to get at him and the ball...except for our hired gun wizard, whose fireball didn't knock over anybody...except his ballboy gutter, SI'ing him in the process. (Those last few turns were very rough on him cas-wise.) Although the presence of his foul appearance linerat messed up our attempt to advance the ball, he was unable to cage up properly, leaving me one avenue of attack left...if my tackle SV could avoid a diving tackler gutter and blitz the ball. Took a reroll, but he managed it, and POW'd the ballboy gutter. A couple 2+ actions later (sweating the entire time), and I was able to walk in the tying score as time expired.
Wonderful game, enjoyable opponent (glad his fouls first half did only stuns), and look forward to the rematch, where hopefully I'll not make so many boneheaded mistakes. ;-)”
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Wonderful game, enjoyable opponent (glad his fouls first half did only stuns), and look forward to the rematch, where hopefully I'll not make so many boneheaded mistakes. ;-)”