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Match Result · Ranked division
Match recorded on 2003-07-02 22:44:42
CTV 1760k Chaos Chosen
Winnings 60k
-1 Dedicated Fans
Casualties 2/2/2
Goblin CTV 1780k
0k Winnings
Fanfactor -1
0/0/1 Casualties
Player Performances
Captain Herden arrived with the rest of the team on the team-coach...the driver stopped them close to the entrance to the stadium, the 8 black horses snorting as they slowed to a halt. He peered out of the window at the black sky, looming across from the dark mountain behind, the mountain casting a shadow across the stadium like a black hole.
Captain Herden smiled. His back began to twinge and he sat back.

"you go on ahead boys. i'm going to have to sit this one out, my back's playing up again."

The team sighed with dismay. Captain Herden was their second in command. He would be a loss in this match against an equal opponent.

But Captain Herden knew.

As he slowly made his way out of the coach, he looked up at the mountain,

"So, it's going to be like that today, eh?"

The mountain rumbled.

"Good, i like a good blood fest."

He took his seat on the side lines, and watched as the teams strode onto the pitch.
As the teams walked out, he called out to them,

"Remember, formation is the key, never leave your partner alone, never."

The team nodded and walked out to the cheers of the home crowd.

"Wardark, come here."

Trooper Wardark strode over, " Yes, sir"

"What ever happens out there, know this. Follow the line of command,"

Herden words chilled Wardark to the bone.

"Yes, sir." Wardark replied and headed out onto the pitch.

Captain Herden had recieved a gift, from the gods it seemed. When he got his injury, he also gained insight. And he knew that several other had recieved gifts also....


The coin was tossed, The Legion lost the toss, and decided their strategy.

The game began.

The ball flew high into the air, forming a silhouette in the blazing sun that had come out just as the match had started. The kick swung the ball this way and that till it finally rested in the end zone of the GoboGamblers half.

Captain Herden let out a wry smile. His prophecy was already manifesting.

The Gobogamblers started strong, their team pushing hard against the Legions line. Suddenly, Vakash stepped forward, lashing out at Da Throwa the ogre. The ogres face contorted as he fell to the ground, spitting blood. The crowd gasped as the apothecary raced to his aid, patching up the deep cut to his artery. A near miss from death. The Gobogamblers engraged by this turned towards a stranded Legion commander, first knocking him to the floor, then slowly squeezing the life out of him by strangulation. Lieutenant Pedolwar gasped his last breath, and the goblin August relented. The Legion medic rushed to the Lieutenants side, he shook him and then administered a strange powder inside his gums. The lieutenant remained still, and then jerked back into life.
As he got up he roared,


Upon his command, 2 of the Legion descended down towards the opponents end zone, where a lone goblin held the ball.
The other Legion members formed a barrier, preventing the Gobogamblers from moving to aid the stricken goblin, so they moved deeper into the Legions half.

Captain Herden looked up at the skys...
"hmm...now i think?"


The troopers moved in a tight formation, trying to hold off the two ogres, while at the same time trying to pen in the horde of goblins. One by one, the troopers began to fall, the overwhelming numbers of the goblins taking their toll. The troopers lay dizzy, unconscious for the moment at the sidelines.

Then, it turned.

The troopers reformed quickly, what remained of them, and managed to grab hold of one of the goblins, dancing around them. The unfortunate goblin, collapsed, head first onto the pitch. Seeing this, the Gobogamblers looked on stunned...amazed that anyone could even catch a goblin. The 2 Legions moved closer to the ball carrier, and with a joint effort, pushed him out into the crowd of waiting fans. The fans managed to get in several nasty blows before the poor goblin scrambled out. The ball was quickly thrown back in favor of the Legions only a few steps away from the end zone.

As they looked on, Trooper Wardark collected the ball, and peered up to the other end of the field. He made his way to the endzone, but was halted by a sharp order,


The command came from Sergeant Malefor.

" Do not score yet."

He watched as Malefor scanned the other end of the pitch, watching. Then he noticed what Malefor was looking at. General Strykedown was monitoring the battle from the opposite end of the pitch. His huge arm was held aloft in a tight fist...the sign to hold.

"We wait," Malefor grunted.

"Wait? for what, sir?" Wardark replied.

"We wait till he says we shall go."

"Yes, sir." Wardark was worried. Although he trusted his officers, he was concerned about the crowd. They never liked stallers, even if it was tactical. His hands gripped the ball tightly as they observed the battle at the other end of the pitch.

General Strykedown barked orders to his troops, his words bringing life and energy to those who had lost it.

"UP UP, get moving!" his bellowing voice was audible even over the roars of the crowd.

"I want these things gone, LEGION!!!!"

General Strykedown looked around at the carnage, picked up a goblin and threw him to the floor, crushing its spine.

The Legion looked on and understood. Slowly the time ticked away...5...6...7...8.

The Legion moved in a tight formation, placing themselves between the ogres and the ball carrier. As they moved, Trooper Welleker stepped forward, inspired by his commanding officer. His razor sharp claws crackled with inner energy as he brought them forward on to a cowering goblin. As it struck it ripped completely through the goblin, the 3 prongs protruding form the back of the goblin as they passed through. The goblins face looked on as it split into three separate pieces, and collapsed to the floor. The Legion roared with delight.

At the other end of the picth, Malefor spoke. The generals fist had gone, and was replaced by a single finger.

"Now. Score."

Trooper Wardark stepped onto the endzone. Bright flashes shot out around the stadium as the fans cheered, quickly followed by the half time whistle. He smiled....the crowd liked him.


The game restarted almost as soon as it had stopped. The Legion recieving the ball and forming a tight formation. Trooper Wardark held the ball tightly inside the cage.

"Do not fear, trooper," spoke General Strykedown from behind,
"They will not break through."

The cage moved up the field slowly but surely, finally scoring the second touchdown.

The Gobogamblers recieved the ball again, as the kick again landed in the end zone. Again the Legion formed a tight grouping, making it difficult for the goblins to make any head way.

Suddenly they broke free. the goblins hurtled towards the end zone, the ball carrier still in its own end zone. The Legion looked on as the goblin ran a few paces, and handed off the ball. The next goblin hurtled across th epitch, ducking under swinging ogre arms...not far to go. It spotted a goblin a little further away and attempted to connect, but it was so tired it could not throw that far, and the ball scattered feebly close by.

The Legion smiled and a cheer rose. They were certain of a victory. But perhaps they could score one more. Again the Legion blocked clinically, clearing space for the ball to be picked up. The ball was collected and the carrier made there way towards the end zone. The trooper loooked up at his options, he was already tired, it had been a long match. Should he try and make those two extra steps to hand off the ball, or just hurl the ball at his comrade....he decided to throw, since his legs would probably fail him at this point in the game. He leaned back and threw with all his might, but it was not enough. Just as he was about to throw, the bright sunshine, whcih had broke through as the game started, caught his eye. The perfect throw turned into a dismal fumble and the ball scattered harmlessly away. Just as this happened, the final whistle blew, and the crowd cheered. The Gobogamblers sighed, looking across at their injured team-mates.

As the teams made their way to their dugouts, they looked across at each other. There would be a rematch...


Captain Herden allowed himself to smile as the team filed into the dugout.

"Well done lads," Captain Herden called out.

"Ok, ten minutes to get cleaned up, then i want to go through a full debriefing. I want us ready to roll in 3 hours."

The Legion groaned, " YES SIR."

Although the victory had been achieved, Captain Herden knew the crowd would not be pleased with their tactics, but sometimes, you have to go for the victory.

The crowd had, however, spent alot of money on icecreams, since the day was so hot, and as a result, they had done remarkably well on sun-sticks.......basically a frozen rat on a stick with a hint of orange and lemon.

Meanwhile, in the Gobogamblers dugout, an argument was looming...


"LOOK, just pay up damn it," the Apothecary spoke with assurance.

"I saved your star player, and as per my contract, i get paid more for doing stuff like that. Beside, do you want to me to curse your team or what?"

The Gobogambler team captain sighed at looked at the money he had received from the game. The crowd had not been pleased, and the few away fans that had travelled had not been impressed. As it was, the coffers were looking very sparse. He looked again at the leather pouch filled with gold pieces, and drew it shut. He tossed the pouch to the apothecary.

"Here. Take it. It is all we have left."

The apothecary opened the bag and peered inside.

"Ok, it'll do, i suppose."

Captain Herden walked out of the stadium, and looked back at the mountain.

He chuckled to himself.

The Prophecy had come true.
Player Performances

#11 Sepp – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#11 Sepp – Smashed Knee (NI)
#16 Gerd – Dead (RIP)
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