“A game where the dice rolls were just to cruel for PoderRojo to have any chance at all.
Snake-eyes and double skulls came at the worst time, everytime.
For example, the turn I roll a double skulls or snake-eyes to end my turn, his rolls are 3+ (for Tree to make Take Root roll) then a blitz on the ball carrier netting a double skulls, rerolled into another double skulls!
Despite the horrid luck, PoderRojo was still a good sport, but it must have been a very unfun game for him.
Snake-eyes and double skulls came at the worst time, everytime.
For example, the turn I roll a double skulls or snake-eyes to end my turn, his rolls are 3+ (for Tree to make Take Root roll) then a blitz on the ball carrier netting a double skulls, rerolled into another double skulls!
Despite the horrid luck, PoderRojo was still a good sport, but it must have been a very unfun game for him.
Best of luck till next time, PoderRojo!”