“When he ko'd a blitzer (who never came back) and my mino in his first full turn of play, I knew I was in trouble. He had more guard than I, and without the str 5 to help offset, I couldn't stop him from wresting the ball away from me (after a failed handoff) for the first score of the game. Then the mino decided to stay asleep until halftime, and my offense sputtered, never getting past the halfway mark.
What I was able to accomplish during this time, however, was to reduce the number of elves on-pitch by several ko and cas, so that when the second half started it was 8 elves vs 10 norsemen and a rejuvenated mino. The elves were a bit nervous about this development, and failed a dodge before pulling the passer back out of blitz range--POW! Ball is mine, his retaliatory blitz comes up skulls, and the game is tied, just like that. Wow, and here I was thinking the game was over, the other way!
Line up again, and this time it's 7 elves vs a full norse squad, and he's missing several key guards. The ones he has left just aren't enough to out-muscle the angry norsemen, esp when he decides now is the time to have horrendous luck in dodging and gfi's to set up assists. Ball becomes mine, and so does the game. Afterwards, there was a big celebration, where 3 linemen were toasted as no longer being rookies, but rather experienced team members. The minotaur wasn't there...we later learned that the savvy vet was off learning how to block from the blitzers, so he'll be more effective on-pitch!
We are only a single boneheaded mistake by the coach (not scoring when given the chance in first half, result was a 1-1 tie instead of a 2-1 victory) from being 8-0-0 and absolutely rolling in success! Can't let it go too far to our heads--real life is just around the corner, ready to put us back in our place. But until it does, we sure are enjoying the high life!
Thanks for the game, zenemuse. Your luck really turned sour at the end there and with your ko rolls (only 1 woke up for him out of like a dozen rolls over several drives). Rematch at your leisure.”
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What I was able to accomplish during this time, however, was to reduce the number of elves on-pitch by several ko and cas, so that when the second half started it was 8 elves vs 10 norsemen and a rejuvenated mino. The elves were a bit nervous about this development, and failed a dodge before pulling the passer back out of blitz range--POW! Ball is mine, his retaliatory blitz comes up skulls, and the game is tied, just like that. Wow, and here I was thinking the game was over, the other way!
Line up again, and this time it's 7 elves vs a full norse squad, and he's missing several key guards. The ones he has left just aren't enough to out-muscle the angry norsemen, esp when he decides now is the time to have horrendous luck in dodging and gfi's to set up assists. Ball becomes mine, and so does the game. Afterwards, there was a big celebration, where 3 linemen were toasted as no longer being rookies, but rather experienced team members. The minotaur wasn't there...we later learned that the savvy vet was off learning how to block from the blitzers, so he'll be more effective on-pitch!
We are only a single boneheaded mistake by the coach (not scoring when given the chance in first half, result was a 1-1 tie instead of a 2-1 victory) from being 8-0-0 and absolutely rolling in success! Can't let it go too far to our heads--real life is just around the corner, ready to put us back in our place. But until it does, we sure are enjoying the high life!
Thanks for the game, zenemuse. Your luck really turned sour at the end there and with your ko rolls (only 1 woke up for him out of like a dozen rolls over several drives). Rematch at your leisure.”