“This game redefines "bend over and take it". Absolutely unfair to my opponent from the get-go. Opening block (-ma) SI on his ogre (apo pass). Later same turn, RIP to his block CW. Little later, -str to his thrower. Then RIP to another CW. Knock some beastmen around for good measure, and it adds up to a ridiculous match. I'm all for dominating a game, but when the dice were this horrid, it's not fun for the victor either, as he knows he didn't have to work for anything, merely point, click and kill.
Hope you don't get turned off of BB completely...try some other races...I recommend skaven. :-)”
#1 Red Dragon – Dead (RIP) #2 Hax – Smashed Collar Bone (-ST) #7 Blue Dragon – Dead (RIP)
“Ha not a single dice in my favour from start (first 4 turns didn't get to complete 1 move, lost 2 players and damaged 2 more then no winnings and it has the cheek to say I had 49% luck????
Who writes this program...it cannot even add up.
Not opponents fault just crap on-line luck.....seriously thinking of going back to playing poker instead!
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Hope you don't get turned off of BB completely...try some other races...I recommend skaven. :-)”