CTV 1210k Nurgle's Rotters
Human CTV 1140k
#15 Plaguer – Smashed Knee (NI)
#15 Plaguer – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#9 Jack-O-Lantern – Dead (RIP)
#9 Jonathan Crane – Smashed Knee (NI)
#9 Jonathan Crane – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#10 William Wistler – Serious Concussion (-AV)
#12 Christoper Claudio – Smashed Hip (-MA)
#13 Jamie Dwyer – Smashed Hip (-MA)
#7 George Costas – Dead (RIP)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Rotten Rob then starts the game off right killing George Costas and bringing him to the Nurgle side. Nurglitch then hurts another human. The rest of the team follows their lead showing that human armor is made of paper. Jack-o-lantern gets killed in the name of nurgle. With only a minimal amount of humans on the pitch ....Jock Itch scores 3 to win the game.”