What cost me the game? Most likely last turn 1st half; a double-skull to free the gutter burns RR, the the gutter fails to dodge on a stinking 1. Thus leaving my thrower easy to blitz; he pows and picks up the ball. My team never recovered; he never had some crucial snake-eyes or anything.
Ah well; at least no one died. or rather; this time apothecary worked.
Of course not enough winnings for a third gutter or second Stormvermin so we struggle on.
On the bright side; the new gutter go a double for his first skill.
Dauntless it is. (is there anything else?)
What cost me the game? Most likely last turn 1st half; a double-skull to free the gutter burns RR, the the gutter fails to dodge on a stinking 1. Thus leaving my thrower easy to blitz; he pows and picks up the ball. My team never recovered; he never had some crucial snake-eyes or anything.
Ah well; at least no one died. or rather; this time apothecary worked.
Of course not enough winnings for a third gutter or second Stormvermin so we struggle on.
On the bright side; the new gutter go a double for his first skill.
Dauntless it is. (is there anything else?)