“And this time the counterrevolutionaries felt the rigtheous power of the masses!
Helped by the fact they werent so many plus a mysterious virus infected them(should thank the KGB) the enemy team was quickly dispatched to nothingness earning Stalin and Andropov another promotion.
An counter-counter revolutionary action(i.e. foul) was successfully taken against their mino...
Congratulation to the captain of the O, Fortuna which had a bout of misluck which was impressive still was relentless and funny.
Thank you for the match”
Helped by the fact they werent so many plus a mysterious virus infected them(should thank the KGB) the enemy team was quickly dispatched to nothingness earning Stalin and Andropov another promotion.
An counter-counter revolutionary action(i.e. foul) was successfully taken against their mino...
Congratulation to the captain of the O, Fortuna which had a bout of misluck which was impressive still was relentless and funny.
Thank you for the match”