“Drocalo Bloodbathovich himself joined the "Bloods" to support them against these monstrous team. Somewhat distracted by his presence (and the presence of tons of STR 5 MB players), quadrupleskull (2 doubleskulls in one turn actually) and a turn 8 doubleone caused the touchdowns for the Problems.
I've read that ogres become insanely powerful at high TR, but these ogres are of average TR, have just 1 RR and no doubles at all, still they casually walked over what I considered to be a decent vampire team (supported by the Count). I might be mistaken, but something seems to be very wrong with this roster if it can cause such havoc without any general skills and just 1 RR. But then, on the other hand, there only might have been something very wrong with the armour of these goblins after all. And then again: what if the pitch is eventually obliterated by 11 ogres? 0_0
Anyhow, it was a pleasure to play with Heinz, even though I hope that I never have to play against ogres again, unless my team contains either AG 5 Leapers or AV 9 bashers. XD
“BOM! Big Vamp annoying - we smash and smash but he no die - the we smash all team instead - then Big Vamp alone! Orgres win!
Im not used to playing orgres, and im certaintly not used to play against vamps. Really played poorly in 1h. In 2 half the Problems cassed evrything, they touched, n Farin had his good share of 1/skulls. So another victory for orgres, though i cant claim to have earned it through good tactical play. Thx for playing, Farinroderel.
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I've read that ogres become insanely powerful at high TR, but these ogres are of average TR, have just 1 RR and no doubles at all, still they casually walked over what I considered to be a decent vampire team (supported by the Count). I might be mistaken, but something seems to be very wrong with this roster if it can cause such havoc without any general skills and just 1 RR. But then, on the other hand, there only might have been something very wrong with the armour of these goblins after all. And then again: what if the pitch is eventually obliterated by 11 ogres? 0_0
Anyhow, it was a pleasure to play with Heinz, even though I hope that I never have to play against ogres again, unless my team contains either AG 5 Leapers or AV 9 bashers. XD