“The mighty 7 remaining dark elves of the Har Ganeth Asylum decided to take a break and recover against some flings. Shinan's Fylke's Foodeaters were otherwise engaged, but then up popped Moffel with these friendly little guys.
<The_Mighty_Ren> Fear my mighty 7 men
<blue> I will
<The_Mighty_Ren> They’re good at dying
<The_Mighty_Ren> but not much else
<The_Mighty_Ren> So watch it, or I’ll make them die at you
<The_Mighty_Ren> and you’ll get blood all over your nice flings
<blue> lol
Big Log selected, Block selected, POW selected. Markus Eyecollector has been Seriously Injured!
Opening the game with a classic Psychotic first-block-first-turn-injury, it looked like the start of another dark day in Har Ganeth. With Axeman John kicking wildly off target (3 bad kicks), a touchback enabled the Hungry Ones to score with a very nice TTM.
However, the 6 dark elves of the Asylum responded strongly, scoring quickly to make it 1-1 by the second turn. The rest of the half passed in a haze of failed Throw Team-mates and poor block dice.
We'd blitz and only get pushback, they'd blitz and get POW, then they'd fumble the throw. A doubleskull ate up my reroll without affecting the block, but the pace picked up in the final turn.
A TTM landed just short of the score, and Jemima was able to blitz, eventually snagging the elusive POW, pushing the ball into the reach of Sloth, only to accidentally catch it on the follow-up.
1-1 at half-time.
Another two turn td from the 6 dark elves put us back in front, and this lead was increased thanks to Perfect Defense, a snake-eyes GFI and a skull pow/skull block from the unskilled tree.
The rolls kept hurting Moffel as he failed something in the region of 4 more TTMs (3 fumbles and a stunned landing). A couple more Pow/block die results gave Sloth the ball, and my speedy blitzer was able to hand-off to Teddy Spitestripper who scored a late, fourth touchdown.
Injury time gave Moffel the chance to try two more TTMs but all he got for his troubles was two more fumbles. A harsh second half for the unlucky Hungry Ones.
This career-best performance from Spitestripper (4td, cas, mvp) was sadly followed by a -1ma aging roll. Poor guy. But 90k winning and +1ff is pretty good.
All in all, this was a nice game against a nice coach and the Psychotics are back to 9 men, :)”
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
<The_Mighty_Ren> Fear my mighty 7 men
<blue> I will
<The_Mighty_Ren> They’re good at dying
<The_Mighty_Ren> but not much else
<The_Mighty_Ren> So watch it, or I’ll make them die at you
<The_Mighty_Ren> and you’ll get blood all over your nice flings
<blue> lol
Big Log selected, Block selected, POW selected. Markus Eyecollector has been Seriously Injured!
Opening the game with a classic Psychotic first-block-first-turn-injury, it looked like the start of another dark day in Har Ganeth. With Axeman John kicking wildly off target (3 bad kicks), a touchback enabled the Hungry Ones to score with a very nice TTM.
However, the 6 dark elves of the Asylum responded strongly, scoring quickly to make it 1-1 by the second turn. The rest of the half passed in a haze of failed Throw Team-mates and poor block dice.
We'd blitz and only get pushback, they'd blitz and get POW, then they'd fumble the throw. A doubleskull ate up my reroll without affecting the block, but the pace picked up in the final turn.
A TTM landed just short of the score, and Jemima was able to blitz, eventually snagging the elusive POW, pushing the ball into the reach of Sloth, only to accidentally catch it on the follow-up.
1-1 at half-time.
Another two turn td from the 6 dark elves put us back in front, and this lead was increased thanks to Perfect Defense, a snake-eyes GFI and a skull pow/skull block from the unskilled tree.
The rolls kept hurting Moffel as he failed something in the region of 4 more TTMs (3 fumbles and a stunned landing). A couple more Pow/block die results gave Sloth the ball, and my speedy blitzer was able to hand-off to Teddy Spitestripper who scored a late, fourth touchdown.
Injury time gave Moffel the chance to try two more TTMs but all he got for his troubles was two more fumbles. A harsh second half for the unlucky Hungry Ones.
This career-best performance from Spitestripper (4td, cas, mvp) was sadly followed by a -1ma aging roll. Poor guy. But 90k winning and +1ff is pretty good.
All in all, this was a nice game against a nice coach and the Psychotics are back to 9 men, :)”