“The Sun Folk Sentinels fully expected to loose this match, seeing that they were severely understrength (as ususal), but the natural selection they have been forced through have made the remaining Sentinels a tough bunch indeed...
This victory was mostly due to the Sentinels better blocking skills coupled with some really bad luck on the Eclipsemen's side, even though the luck percentage actually were a bit closer than it seems, the recorded luck is only for the last drive.
Thanks for the match Grockith, and better luck next time (it could hardly be worse, right?). ”
This victory was mostly due to the Sentinels better blocking skills coupled with some really bad luck on the Eclipsemen's side, even though the luck percentage actually were a bit closer than it seems, the recorded luck is only for the last drive.
Thanks for the match Grockith, and better luck next time (it could hardly be worse, right?). ”