“Fastest closing local sockets ever , but totally from right reason
Evo had worst luck I´ve seen for ages.
His Lord rolled double skulls (RR was gone to lust for blood)
and Lord McMunch got SI (miss next game) . And all the dodges failed...
My Lord was Elf+Orc at same time , scoring and hurting...
Good luck Evo to the rest or tournament and hope your luck gets better.
Well, I got doubles to my thrall and I took totally useless DP , but I may have chance to kill Odi´s or Peikko´s Lord with that.
Evo had worst luck I´ve seen for ages.
His Lord rolled double skulls (RR was gone to lust for blood)
and Lord McMunch got SI (miss next game) . And all the dodges failed...
My Lord was Elf+Orc at same time , scoring and hurting...
Good luck Evo to the rest or tournament and hope your luck gets better.
Well, I got doubles to my thrall and I took totally useless DP , but I may have chance to kill Odi´s or Peikko´s Lord with that.
no TTM in this game”