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Match Result · Ranked division · Tournament game
Match recorded on 2005-06-01 00:34:22
Royal Rookie Rumble III round 2
CTV 1080k Necromantic
Winnings 30k
+1 Dedicated Fans
Casualties 1/1/2
Necromantic CTV 1050k
30k Winnings
Fanfactor No change
0/0/0 Casualties
Player Performances
Given the fact that our teams were very very similar I expected it to be decided on who got the lucky (important) cas.

He received and I was horrified. He blitzed a golem but all he got was a stun, his foul added nothing further. I was hell bent on blitzing his wolves with mine until I held the advantage and in my 3rd turn the dice were kind to me/unkind to him; my were killed his in a blitz. Free zombie to boot.

Because my focus was on the removal of the weres he could score but I was confident I could get even that half and have all 2nd half for more.

Well; no plan ever survives contact with the enemy someone once said. Suffice to say that in the end I was very happy to get a draw and even get to the point where we had to play overtime.

By now he had a mere 9 players on the pitch and I had a clear advantage. Even so; the wily opponent coach almost got to the ball with a few spectacular moves.

All to no avail; I succeeded in picking up the ball on 3+ and walked to the endzone in my 7th turn leaving him a depleted team and no rr for a one-turn.

Poor winnings but hey; I won.

Now there's a new opponent to worry about.
Player Performances

#8 Hayekel – Smashed Knee (NI)
#8 Hayekel – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#3 Hayas – Dead (RIP)
Well, we started with receiving. We ran through there line but our good wolf died by Jinxed punches.

It was a hard loss at the very beginning of the game and since I was using 4 players to protect the ball, and Jinxed was hitting the rest of my guys, I opted for the quick TD.

I made the right choice, I defended well and he didn't score.

In half 2, I even could get in touch of the ball blitzing the ball carrier and oicking up (without mentioning that late in half one, my wolf was KOed and did not come back). Well Jinxed still was able to hit back but I thought I have advantage in number of players in the mid court and most of his team already ran forward so I can win it. But he stunned my ghoul and so became able to to take the ball and score.

But I still was confident even at 9 vs 11. I work to enter in his defense after good luck (at FF 1 vs FF5 I got the reroll) I strat my drive. My offense always suffered from skull pow skulls and could run it as properly as I would have liked. What if? I was in a bad shape and took my time to think on the next move. After a big brain-use I think "yes that's my best chance, I will be in position to score, he will be able to blitz but not more than one die and he won't run back in my side of the field. I made the blitz; good. then had to fish to open the way with my flesh golem hitting a zombi:2*pow/skull arf!!!!!!! just after that my ball carierer had to move.

Jinxed blitzed at one die stunned my ghoul picked the ball up and ran!

my ghoul stunned I knew I couldn't catch him again. I tried though to give me a chance to score again (maybe it's golden goal I don't know). it was dead I couldn't win. He stalled (and was right to do it) but he made a choice dangerous IMO, that was to handoff to get a skill with the second wolf. I think that nobody can avoids the double 1 and if it occurs he have had to pick it up again. it was turn 6 if I was right. I tried my last chance. the handoff put the new ball carriyng wolf in reach to my ghoul. To blitz him I had to dodge away (3+) dodge a second time in TZ (4+) with the dodge skill and gfi (2+) + blitz at one die. I did it. it was good luck!

the ball also failed near the sideline. Jinxed had to roll to block my ghoul away from the wolves + pick it up without reroll. and near the line (ball in crowd would have been perfect). but he did it all. and scored.

bah if, and hey
I'm Jinxed,
truly yours


No really, jokes set apart, I congrat Jinxed for the win and he did well, he won after all. I tought I would win until very late in the game; it happend. No reason to bitch around (what I am doing as it seems in forum). I just think I got mad when I saw the BIG drop for the game. Now it's forgotten and I move on. I already have applied with a new team (in Royable Rookie Rumble). Why I am no top coach? because real top coaches somehow manage to win whatever the situation. I can't. That's it.

Jinxed is a cool opponent, I had fun trashtalking with him, I lost, so it is. Well done Jinxed, hope you'll made it through (and load up your CR, so I can steal my 4points back + extras)

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