“5th Missionary
Teaching some wood elfs the meaning of darkness. 1st half we made a crazy dodge to get the ball carrier to the crowed, and returned it for a td. Create move.. can not recommend people to try it at home.
In the end the woods proved, that passing ball can be hard, and their td attempt fell short.
Great game, ad for second time in a row, Father Ibrahim proved that he can hit with the best f them. ”
Teaching some wood elfs the meaning of darkness. 1st half we made a crazy dodge to get the ball carrier to the crowed, and returned it for a td. Create move.. can not recommend people to try it at home.
In the end the woods proved, that passing ball can be hard, and their td attempt fell short.
Great game, ad for second time in a row, Father Ibrahim proved that he can hit with the best f them. ”