But this one had to be payed high! Nuffle decided to take a player for his holy team in heaven as a price for the luck in this game. Yokozuna, a young ambitious catcher who had everything to become a future star, died on the field of glory. Killed by a vicious Darkelf, may he soon pay with his life for it. He leaves us three children and a sweet black puppy behind. Even worse, he took 7 SPP with him to the grave.
This means another game with 10 Players for the wind to come. We're looking forward.”
“The first lose for the Blood And Venom in his long career of 4 matches. We don´t have been at height.
We´ll take this match as a sacrifice to Nuffle to boost our luck. No more doubles skulls, no more ones GFIing etc, etc... And don´t think we let our victim´s family with no future. We have though to let them follow their father´s step and sacrifice to Nuffle too. Them all will be happy there. Sure. ”
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But this one had to be payed high! Nuffle decided to take a player for his holy team in heaven as a price for the luck in this game. Yokozuna, a young ambitious catcher who had everything to become a future star, died on the field of glory. Killed by a vicious Darkelf, may he soon pay with his life for it. He leaves us three children and a sweet black puppy behind. Even worse, he took 7 SPP with him to the grave.
This means another game with 10 Players for the wind to come. We're looking forward.”