“What an odd game! This probably has to go down as a first in my BB gaming experience... the Dwarfs did not score even ONE casualty against the Goblins ALL GAME! Not a ONE!
That said, the boys held their nerve and whilst they couldn't put the little green bliters in the dead and injured box they did well enough keeping them on the ground while they controlled the ball.
This game saw a rare appearance by Star Player Nobbla Blackwart, but the Blackmountain guys never gave him any breathing space at all and once in the KO box, that's where he remained for the rest of the game.
The crowds definitely enjoyed the spectacle and along with one of my Blitzers finally learning how to bust armour late in the game, I felt it was only fitting he'd pick up 'Mighty Blow' for his troubles.
I'm very glad we made it through the game without suffering any nasty injuries either, and with our massive 100k winnings, we've got more than enough to purchase an Apothecary for the team and put some money in the bank towards more rerolls (or if necessary, replacement players!) next game.
So whilst the game didn't prove to be the casualty-fest many predicted, we still performed well, secured the win and made some decent headway for our next scheduled match against the Vampires of Revenants of the Realm.
That said, the boys held their nerve and whilst they couldn't put the little green bliters in the dead and injured box they did well enough keeping them on the ground while they controlled the ball.
This game saw a rare appearance by Star Player Nobbla Blackwart, but the Blackmountain guys never gave him any breathing space at all and once in the KO box, that's where he remained for the rest of the game.
The crowds definitely enjoyed the spectacle and along with one of my Blitzers finally learning how to bust armour late in the game, I felt it was only fitting he'd pick up 'Mighty Blow' for his troubles.
I'm very glad we made it through the game without suffering any nasty injuries either, and with our massive 100k winnings, we've got more than enough to purchase an Apothecary for the team and put some money in the bank towards more rerolls (or if necessary, replacement players!) next game.
So whilst the game didn't prove to be the casualty-fest many predicted, we still performed well, secured the win and made some decent headway for our next scheduled match against the Vampires of Revenants of the Realm.