#10 Brig. Gen. Daniel Adams – Broken Ribs (MNG) #10 Brig. Gen. Daniel Adams – Smashed Knee (NI)
“This was a brutal game -- both apothecaries were gone within the first few turns. General Robert E. Lee took a niggling injury early on, but the apothecary stepped in to prevent it... and thank goodness he did. Lee proved to be the deciding factor for the Confederates, coming up huge twice in the closing minutes. Without his heroics, this exciting match would've turned into a rather mundane tie.
To put those naysayers to rest that claim the Confederates have only managed things thus far by (*gasp*) cherrypicking -- check out the last few matches against claw-heavy skaven, tackling dwarves and some brutal chaos since hitting the TR 200 barrier.
These elves don't duck anyone (though we do tend to think of dirty player as a supremely cheesy way of obtaining a victory... show some creativity in scoring!)....
Addendum: The last comment about dirty player is in no way directed at ChrelleP. There was no lack of creativity on the part of the skaven coach.”
To put those naysayers to rest that claim the Confederates have only managed things thus far by (*gasp*) cherrypicking -- check out the last few matches against claw-heavy skaven, tackling dwarves and some brutal chaos since hitting the TR 200 barrier.
These elves don't duck anyone (though we do tend to think of dirty player as a supremely cheesy way of obtaining a victory... show some creativity in scoring!)....
Addendum: The last comment about dirty player is in no way directed at ChrelleP. There was no lack of creativity on the part of the skaven coach.”