“my ratogre couldn't play so I hired a thrower instead. well, he didn't do much :).
I said to the fans that this might be the best team ever in 5vs5 so they brought some rocks.
first kick-off: throw a rock, wardancer killed (weee, wardancers are way too good :)), apo fails.
from then on it gets worse and worse for me. I tried to hit those ss, shadowing guys down and so all my players still stood against the LoS with one guy running on his half. not too much trouble to get him down for Slanter.
I only remember that I got a BH also from a rock and that my two SVs were KO almost the entire match. my two dauntless GRs had to make a lot of dodges with that M10 shadowing catcher :), but it didn't help much.
0-4, deserved. first attack I played bad but apart from that I couldn't do much.
gg and thx for playing, Slanter. good luck in the rest of the tournament (although you don't really need it I think).”
“Before the game I was contemplating if I should kick Behind You III after getting -ma the previous match. Believing that many goals would be made against the skavens I bought a new WD.
This 120k player doesn't even see the ball touch ground before he is dead. A razor sharp rock from a hardcore Killers fan hits him right in the face and the apo doesn't have a chance. Shirt #1 is truely jinxed after playing Jinxed!
The match was rather predictable, the new shadowing on Far Away worked wonders.”
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I said to the fans that this might be the best team ever in 5vs5 so they brought some rocks.
first kick-off: throw a rock, wardancer killed (weee, wardancers are way too good :)), apo fails.
from then on it gets worse and worse for me. I tried to hit those ss, shadowing guys down and so all my players still stood against the LoS with one guy running on his half. not too much trouble to get him down for Slanter.
I only remember that I got a BH also from a rock and that my two SVs were KO almost the entire match. my two dauntless GRs had to make a lot of dodges with that M10 shadowing catcher :), but it didn't help much.
0-4, deserved. first attack I played bad but apart from that I couldn't do much.
gg and thx for playing, Slanter. good luck in the rest of the tournament (although you don't really need it I think).”