#1 Solid Rock – Dead (RIP) #3 Spring Tide – Dead (RIP)
“After winning the faction title last season, the Champions began planning for the new round. They did not know which wardancer to replace first, but that problem is no more. A human dirty player killed them both!
Spring Tide was among the top 10 Active WDs at the moment of his demise, with an impressive record of 5 Cp, 10 TD, 3 It, 15 Cs and 2 Mvp (81 spp) in 41 games.
Solid Rock had some agility problems in his childhood and had an unelvish play style - 1 Cp, 5 TD, 14 Cs and 1 Mvp (49 spp) in 23 games.
Let's hope their successors match up to these great players.
Spring Tide was among the top 10 Active WDs at the moment of his demise, with an impressive record of 5 Cp, 10 TD, 3 It, 15 Cs and 2 Mvp (81 spp) in 41 games.
Solid Rock had some agility problems in his childhood and had an unelvish play style - 1 Cp, 5 TD, 14 Cs and 1 Mvp (49 spp) in 23 games.
Let's hope their successors match up to these great players.