#3 One-eye Cobbler – Dead (RIP) #4 Cheese Cake Joe – Serious Concussion (-AV)
“A rough and tumble match that rarely saw all the Pirates on the field at once. A three players were complaining of niggles, after a tough decision a treeman and the pirates a high scorer( a browniew/sprint and surefeet) were benched and the apoth fixed Scary Pete Crumb for the match. Where she scored the only TD for the pirates and tied for highscorer of the Pirates at 5 TDs.
Better dead then Red dealed out some vicious blocks causings one death and two SI, one to strongman Cheese Cake Joe. Both lepercuns spent almost as much time in the KO box as they did on the pitch.
Althought the Trees filled up the KO box on the other side, after each push the Chaos Flings were ready for more.
I consider it luck ( and poor dodgeing and a lot of mooing by the Minotaurs and a bit of sputtering by the chainsaws) that we managed a tie. ”
“It must be Minotaur mating-season... They stood roaring challenging anyone who came in to the core of their TZ (and only there). We're sending them off to a Cow-camp and hopefully they'll come back a bit more relaxed.
Crimson, on his way to be a top-scoring-minotaur (not far on his way, but still) was one measly SPP from becoming my first Star-player ever. Of course he mooed away several opportunities and in his final blitz only got a Stunned. Dag nabbit!
The Pies are viscious... I always win the Cas-causing but loose (almost) the game. Long legs and serious dodging and leaping always surprises my short-legged Flings.
Thanks to John Paul III who ran as fast his stubby legs could carry him (still getting caught and blocked) and scored a TD. Nice running with a mitra.
SuperMegaUltraFling just wasn't that.
And Tae Kwon Dodo III surprised everyone by surviving a game. That must earn him the MVP!”
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Better dead then Red dealed out some vicious blocks causings one death and two SI, one to strongman Cheese Cake Joe. Both lepercuns spent almost as much time in the KO box as they did on the pitch.
Althought the Trees filled up the KO box on the other side, after each push the Chaos Flings were ready for more.
I consider it luck ( and poor dodgeing and a lot of mooing by the Minotaurs and a bit of sputtering by the chainsaws) that we managed a tie. ”