#1 Igodirua III – Broken Ribs (MNG) #1 Igodirua III – Smashed Knee (NI) #12 Ega Quartus II – Broken Ribs (MNG) #12 Ega Quartus II – Smashed Knee (NI)
“Welcome to Skinktacular!
Today we faced the commander of the SDF-1 and his bunch of Veritech fighter pilots! What chance do we have against Mecha? Honestly!
Hmmmm, it was Orcs? Not Veritechs? Oh, that would explain our draw! We drew! DREW DREW DREW!!! Our first draw =) It was a hard fought match and they started off with the ball but persistence is the key and we pestered the ball carrier til he fell over and then it was time to run, and boy did we run! Doj-Dowo doing the honours after some mistakes by the Verite.... Orcs.. Simply fantastic!
Second half was not pretty, we encountered that most feared announcement... Apothecary fails! Again, well, we need a new apothecary, useless lump. The orcs quite simply tore us apart on our drive and we just couldn't get away, with only three players on the pitch, things were quite hard in the end. But to our credit we managed to hold off the winner and secure the draw!
Today we faced the commander of the SDF-1 and his bunch of Veritech fighter pilots! What chance do we have against Mecha? Honestly!
Hmmmm, it was Orcs? Not Veritechs? Oh, that would explain our draw! We drew! DREW DREW DREW!!! Our first draw =) It was a hard fought match and they started off with the ball but persistence is the key and we pestered the ball carrier til he fell over and then it was time to run, and boy did we run! Doj-Dowo doing the honours after some mistakes by the Verite.... Orcs.. Simply fantastic!
Second half was not pretty, we encountered that most feared announcement... Apothecary fails! Again, well, we need a new apothecary, useless lump. The orcs quite simply tore us apart on our drive and we just couldn't get away, with only three players on the pitch, things were quite hard in the end. But to our credit we managed to hold off the winner and secure the draw!
Thanks for the game!”