#7 What was That? – Broken Ribs (MNG) #7 What was That? – Smashed Knee (NI) #16 True Dat – Smashed Hip (-MA)
“Hells Bells!
I have seen bad dice, and then I have seen BAD dice, but now I have seen keggiemckill's vampires' dice...*shudder* let me just say, those were some THIRSTY vampires.
As the final score shows, the dice were heavily against keggie all game. (turn 7 first half showed a luck score of 69%-25%) Really the only misfortune I had to endure was my apoth failing*. Failed OFAB rolls and dodges, and necessary GFI to get my ball carrier burned his RR very fast first half and second half as well, including a massive 3 OFAB failed in one turn second half. Somebody bring this team some blood-flavored gatorade!
Well, the one sided dice made it a bizarre but rather unfair game (it closed with 2 BLITZes against in a row, and a final Skull/Pow block ending the game and causing a SI to a thrall), with my rats running constant circles around the slathering vampires as their terrified thralls refused to move or handle the ball, their hands wrapped protectively around their own necks...
Thanks for the game keggie, and may these vamps (or another team, if you've given up on their 'sucky' ways...) have much better forutne in Ladder in the future!
*which IS going to suck, thanks to 16 SPP ageing taking out another gutter last game...”
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I have seen bad dice, and then I have seen BAD dice, but now I have seen keggiemckill's vampires' dice...*shudder* let me just say, those were some THIRSTY vampires.
As the final score shows, the dice were heavily against keggie all game. (turn 7 first half showed a luck score of 69%-25%) Really the only misfortune I had to endure was my apoth failing*. Failed OFAB rolls and dodges, and necessary GFI to get my ball carrier burned his RR very fast first half and second half as well, including a massive 3 OFAB failed in one turn second half. Somebody bring this team some blood-flavored gatorade!
Well, the one sided dice made it a bizarre but rather unfair game (it closed with 2 BLITZes against in a row, and a final Skull/Pow block ending the game and causing a SI to a thrall), with my rats running constant circles around the slathering vampires as their terrified thralls refused to move or handle the ball, their hands wrapped protectively around their own necks...
Thanks for the game keggie, and may these vamps (or another team, if you've given up on their 'sucky' ways...) have much better forutne in Ladder in the future!
*which IS going to suck, thanks to 16 SPP ageing taking out another gutter last game...”