“I'm aware that Nurgle's Rotters are not the teams of choice when you want a clean Blood Bowl match. And I'm using the word "clean" on purpose, here.
Anyway, the opposing team's coach seemed a rather decent fellow (at least, by Rotter's standards) and I was counting on the fact that, being already dead, my guys were less likely to catch some unpleasant disease on the field. I also was secretly hoping that my players would not have been able to find anything "Ankhefenamunish" in a Rotter's team, so I will be able to coach a REAL game for a change.
I have to say that the first half was up to my expectations. The opposing team turned out to be very well coached, and thanks to a spectacular blitz of the beastman "Outsider" managed to steal the ball to the Thro-Ra Khemisyet. My Khemri answered with a solid barrage of blocks and the mummy Horhotep I killed the beastman "Winged Death". In the end, only a grievous mistake of the Rotter player who failed to score when he could easily have, prevented Nurgle's team from beginning the second half with a one-touchdown advantage.
So bad was said mistake that the Rotter felt the need to justify itself with the angry fans.
"Don't know what I was thinking" - he gargled - "maybe I was under some Khemri spell?"
And THAT was why all went pear-shaped.
You see.. Chaos fans are rather easily incensed, and Nurgle's fans are no exception to the rule. So at the start of the second half, a mob of crazy and unclean hooligans descended on the ref and did many rather unpleasant things to him. That because he failed to notice the "spell".
(Obviously I didn't use any spell on the field.. I'm not going to risk the wrath of the colleges of Magic. The idea of myself as the frog-coach does not appeal to me by the least. But you can't argue with angry fans.)
So the second half begun under the refereeing of a terrified aide, and with the Nurgle's fans bellowing a rather extreme song about the hygiene habits of Ankhefenamun's mother.
Ok. On hindsight, maybe that LAST one has been a mistake.
In the first turns of the second half my guys were flabbergasted at hearing such things about the Feared One's mother. They forgot about the ball entirely so the Rotters, thanks to a superb passing play, managed to score the touchdown they didn't get in the first half.
During that action, though, my boys were becoming more and more annoyed. I saw Amenhotep I casually raise his arm so the great Beast of Nurgle that was barreling against him smashed itself against his fist and went down in a heap.
Kickoff again.. Nurgle's fans were now starting to put also out the topic of Ankhefenamun's sister. The rotters on field that were able to see the look on my player's skulls were strangely worried..
The dust settled at the end of turn seven. My team had scored. There were only three rotters left on field, by then, the others being KO or injured.
So it all ended in a draw. I'm happy with it.. the opposing team was very good, that's for sure. Only, while I pack my stuff and see the stony anger visage on the skulls of my players I can't help but wonder.
Anyway, the opposing team's coach seemed a rather decent fellow (at least, by Rotter's standards) and I was counting on the fact that, being already dead, my guys were less likely to catch some unpleasant disease on the field. I also was secretly hoping that my players would not have been able to find anything "Ankhefenamunish" in a Rotter's team, so I will be able to coach a REAL game for a change.
I have to say that the first half was up to my expectations. The opposing team turned out to be very well coached, and thanks to a spectacular blitz of the beastman "Outsider" managed to steal the ball to the Thro-Ra Khemisyet. My Khemri answered with a solid barrage of blocks and the mummy Horhotep I killed the beastman "Winged Death". In the end, only a grievous mistake of the Rotter player who failed to score when he could easily have, prevented Nurgle's team from beginning the second half with a one-touchdown advantage.
So bad was said mistake that the Rotter felt the need to justify itself with the angry fans.
"Don't know what I was thinking" - he gargled - "maybe I was under some Khemri spell?"
And THAT was why all went pear-shaped.
You see.. Chaos fans are rather easily incensed, and Nurgle's fans are no exception to the rule. So at the start of the second half, a mob of crazy and unclean hooligans descended on the ref and did many rather unpleasant things to him. That because he failed to notice the "spell".
(Obviously I didn't use any spell on the field.. I'm not going to risk the wrath of the colleges of Magic. The idea of myself as the frog-coach does not appeal to me by the least. But you can't argue with angry fans.)
So the second half begun under the refereeing of a terrified aide, and with the Nurgle's fans bellowing a rather extreme song about the hygiene habits of Ankhefenamun's mother.
Ok. On hindsight, maybe that LAST one has been a mistake.
In the first turns of the second half my guys were flabbergasted at hearing such things about the Feared One's mother. They forgot about the ball entirely so the Rotters, thanks to a superb passing play, managed to score the touchdown they didn't get in the first half.
During that action, though, my boys were becoming more and more annoyed. I saw Amenhotep I casually raise his arm so the great Beast of Nurgle that was barreling against him smashed itself against his fist and went down in a heap.
Kickoff again.. Nurgle's fans were now starting to put also out the topic of Ankhefenamun's sister. The rotters on field that were able to see the look on my player's skulls were strangely worried..
The dust settled at the end of turn seven. My team had scored. There were only three rotters left on field, by then, the others being KO or injured.
So it all ended in a draw. I'm happy with it.. the opposing team was very good, that's for sure. Only, while I pack my stuff and see the stony anger visage on the skulls of my players I can't help but wonder.
Who the HECK is this Ankhefenamun?