3 Votes - #10 Milan Hejduk
Not sure how many votes this guy has wracked up this season already, but I'm sure it's plenty! Definately the action man in this team, especially once fellow God Dancer Alex Tanguay was beaten from the field! He deserved to stop Davros scoring Carlton's second, and it was only good lukc for our boys that prevented it.
2 Votes - #13 Peter Forsberg
Gotta give credit where it's due I suppose. Two Touchdowns, two votes. Did a good job of not being slayed also, although he deserved it. Unfortunately for him, we pretty much had his Passblocking under wraps in this matchup.
1 Vote - #14 Steve Konowalchuk II
With a botched up replay from the many many restarts we endured during this game, it's hard to give any details on why this guy's getting the vote. I know he lasted a goodly time and I remember thinking "I gotta hit that guy, he'll be easy to take out" and being proven wrong. 1 Vote for copping it on the chin all game a doing a good impression of a real man! ;)”
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
3:#3 Davros 'the Dr.' Hugz Very good player. He brought most trouble
2:#7 'Sleepy' Steve Nice catcher
1:#2 Paul 'Cleave' Pacman TDs have to get rewarded.
That was the last Match report. I hope! They called my flight already. See you soon.”