“*Garibaldi didn't trust his eyes. The Humans had hired Zara the Vampire Slayer. Now that was a sight for sore eyes, if you where into humans of course. Luckily his team wasn't and she met an early KO, just to reappear right after the well played Touchdown. the first, flawless executed offense play in the career of the Dusk Patrol. And it's only i should add. Because for the rest of the game the Vampires fought a quite successful defensive campaign, though unlucky in their quest for the Ball. Yet the Cobras managed their Touchdown by superior numbers after Garibaldi had to see Chrichton being carried off the pitch permanently. The final Offense just might have worked, if not for the sheer force of the opponents blocker, stopping the drive short and ultimatley blocking any chance of victory. Looking over to the other side of the pitch, the cobras' trainer didn't look to happy either. So Garibaldi called it just another day in a rather constant mediocre performance of his team.*”