“This was an extreamly funny game. Luck was horrible for both teams. The Kangs scored a fast td in turn 3. and after orc thrower missed 3 pickup's of the ball (save hands.. wtf does that skill anyway??) , a gutter runner almost scored 2-0, from that moment on the luck went to the Orc's Rage. about any blocks the skaven tried was awarded a skull or dubble skull, with pain and a last RR, the orc's scored 1-1 in the 8th turn of the 1st half.
The 2nd half the skulls were manditory for the skaven, preferably on his 1st block die. after a failed pickup of the ball by the orc thrower (save hands.. wtf does that skill anyway??) the orcs rushed in 2-1. Did I mention that the scaven thrower also failed a pick up of the ball? (save hands.. wtf does that skill anyway??) and no, no rain, just perfect BB weather.
The Orc thrower managed to get his 1st skill, this was rewarded by his 1st gray hear and a -1 MA. Hopefully he will serve better on the bench as the 1st coach of the Red Orc's Rage.
Overlord Kang remained calm and funny, dispite the poor performance of his beloved skaven team. The only yell I heard after his 5th and 6th skull rolls were "oooooooooooooooo" and "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiii" I wish all coaches could handle bad dice as he (including myself). Thanks for the game Kang!”
The 2nd half the skulls were manditory for the skaven, preferably on his 1st block die. after a failed pickup of the ball by the orc thrower (save hands.. wtf does that skill anyway??) the orcs rushed in 2-1. Did I mention that the scaven thrower also failed a pick up of the ball? (save hands.. wtf does that skill anyway??) and no, no rain, just perfect BB weather.
The Orc thrower managed to get his 1st skill, this was rewarded by his 1st gray hear and a -1 MA. Hopefully he will serve better on the bench as the 1st coach of the Red Orc's Rage.
Overlord Kang remained calm and funny, dispite the poor performance of his beloved skaven team. The only yell I heard after his 5th and 6th skull rolls were "oooooooooooooooo" and "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiii" I wish all coaches could handle bad dice as he (including myself). Thanks for the game Kang!”