“Woah. The single luckiest game of my whole life. I started this game with "recovery" in mind, having only 10 players on the field to start with.
I received the ball, proceeded to try and push a player out of bound using frenzy and 2 dice block, failed, but got a BH. It was the first of many. Soulreavers managed to get hold of the ball, and after 3 turns scored.
After 3 turns however, I had already scored 3 BH.
On turn 4, I received the ball, and scored a 4th cas out of 4 turn: a SI -ma on a lineman, which the apoth quickly healed.
I then slowly proceeded to the finish line, KO'ing everything in my way with very lucky dices. I stayed very nice, laughing at my luck, complaining it makes the game very boring and apologizing to my opponent.
Well, said opponent made it to my DNP list. He kept being pissed at ME for not being "truly sorry" and kept swearing at the game, instead of just accepting that nuffle cant always be with you.
The 2nd half was only formality, with my 10 players against his 6 I managed to score 3 moreTDs. On the last turn, he tried to hit me with a blitzer and killled himself, which truly was an amazing ending when you think about it.
So again, sorry about the terrible luck, but try and be more mature next game. ”
I received the ball, proceeded to try and push a player out of bound using frenzy and 2 dice block, failed, but got a BH. It was the first of many. Soulreavers managed to get hold of the ball, and after 3 turns scored.
After 3 turns however, I had already scored 3 BH.
On turn 4, I received the ball, and scored a 4th cas out of 4 turn: a SI -ma on a lineman, which the apoth quickly healed.
I then slowly proceeded to the finish line, KO'ing everything in my way with very lucky dices. I stayed very nice, laughing at my luck, complaining it makes the game very boring and apologizing to my opponent.
Well, said opponent made it to my DNP list. He kept being pissed at ME for not being "truly sorry" and kept swearing at the game, instead of just accepting that nuffle cant always be with you.
The 2nd half was only formality, with my 10 players against his 6 I managed to score 3 moreTDs. On the last turn, he tried to hit me with a blitzer and killled himself, which truly was an amazing ending when you think about it.
So again, sorry about the terrible luck, but try and be more mature next game. ”