“Last night I was tired, but this game was a tourney so I suppose a proper write up is in order:
From the first kickoff it was obvious it would be a dice rape: although it wasn’t until several turns into the game that it became clear who would be the rape-or, and who would be the rape-ee.
I had hired Heatsplitter to beef up my LOS, Britnoth had a wizard. First kickoff…the fans throw a rock which KO’s headsplitter. Heh. Dice rape to me.
Then Britnoth manages to double skull his turn 1 before picking up the ball, which my Kicker had placed very close to the los, and was in a single, easily blitzable tackle zone, which I recovered quickly. Dice rape to Britnoth.
My turn 1 ends with me dodging my DP out to try and get behind cover of my loose cage around the ball. Trip, RR, Trip, BH. Dice Rape to me.
Next turn I inflict cas 1: a RIP gutter runner. Dice Rape back to Britnoth. The apoth thankfully saves him.
Two turns later, his dauntless gutter lands his first casualty: my ST4 SV RIP. Dice Rape back to me. Apoth again works.
However, after these few turns of the dice flip flopping in a madcap fashion, deciding who was going to get what, they finally settled on: Britnoth. After this, the dice seem to have decided that he would be the one losing the match, dealing out such travesties as: a niggled SV, another RIP gutter runner, and failing 6 out of 7 KO recovery rolls (the last 5 were 1,1,6,1,1). To his credit, even badly outnumbered he did manage to get the ball away from me a couple of times, but both times my Diving Tackle SideStep gutter runner just barely managed to get in the way just enough to prevent the touchdowns.
A plethora of 1,1 for Britnoth (on everything from dodges to AV rolls) kept Die Warp Maus ahead just long enough to score on their turn 16, and lack of gutter runners and manpower for a one turn push equalizer cemented the win.
Perhaps not the most interesting game (at least, not after the first couple of turns of nuttiness), but I’ll take a dice massacre in my favor during a tournament any day of the week!
Thanks for the match Britnoth, hope you enjoyed your stay in the Haus of Maus! Good luck in future tournies! ”
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Well at least the real stars in the team survived.”