“With the team still suffering from the dying lino syndrome, I lost two of them dudes this time. At least the winnings gave me a fresh one. :)
Fun bashy game, in which I didn't get to niggle Gogdish sadly... but his time will come. Too bad I can't have bashy games in my next two or three games, or I'll lose the team. I'm just happy to overcome the evil orcish hordes and to have a winning record against them.
Thanks, and til we meet again, nportela. :)
addendum: What worries me is that the team has done just one cas in the last four games, while it did 20 cas in the four games before that. ”
Fun bashy game, in which I didn't get to niggle Gogdish sadly... but his time will come. Too bad I can't have bashy games in my next two or three games, or I'll lose the team. I'm just happy to overcome the evil orcish hordes and to have a winning record against them.
Thanks, and til we meet again, nportela. :)
addendum: What worries me is that the team has done just one cas in the last four games, while it did 20 cas in the four games before that. ”