“What could have been a nice game of elfbowl turned into a slaughter when the Spider-kissers fans invaded the pitch after the Aardwolfs scored the first TD of the match.
Before order could be restored the crowd had ripped Shah to pieces, badly hurt a wardancer, knocked out one lineelf and stunned two others. Needless to say this decided the course of the match.
The only thing stopping the Spider-kissers from a TD-orgy was in fact their own lack of training and the rain which began to pour in the second half.
Amazingly enough the fans of both teams actually enjoyed this slaughter, maybe they liked really taking part in the action? ;)”
#9 10 Zippy – Smashed Knee (NI) #14 22 Shah – Dead (RIP)
“I Won the Flip to Recieve.
First Action Dbl Skulls, RR, Dbl Skulls.
He gets the ball but doesnt cover it... I blitz and get it back then move it up field.
He starts a series of blocks where he CHOOSES the PowSkulls over a PUSH, and ends up giving one of my Players a niggle and KO'ing a few.
I manage to score still.
Setting up again, a 5 man PI kills a player, BH's a 'Dancer, KO's another, and Stuns 2. Needless to say, he scores.
2 Turns left in the First Half still, So, I should be able to score.
However, first action, Dbl Skulls, RR, Dbl Skulls...
It starts raining in the 2nd Half... makes no difference, Half my team is dead, and its not like I was ever going to pick up the ball.
I get some justice when a player of his get BH after he CHOOSES the PowSkulls... but thats about it.”
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Before order could be restored the crowd had ripped Shah to pieces, badly hurt a wardancer, knocked out one lineelf and stunned two others. Needless to say this decided the course of the match.
The only thing stopping the Spider-kissers from a TD-orgy was in fact their own lack of training and the rain which began to pour in the second half.
Amazingly enough the fans of both teams actually enjoyed this slaughter, maybe they liked really taking part in the action? ;)”