“Our fans left us after this game, and really, who can blame them. Our armour was very light, but our blocks were even lighter. Today the Dreggs were really almost like an elf-team... minus the part with the passes and dodges.
Bakkapp, the spare gobbo, was man of the match, and I'm not man enough to figure out why. But then again, none of the Orcs did anything, so it might just be as well.
Splatta, the troll who has cost me more apo than the rest of the team combined, pushed his limits today when he ate DoomDiva Wannabe.
This was in the last turn of the first half... Luckily I didn't use apo on the gobbo, cause Strakkblett had a brush with death. That would have been more costly.
Fun game and fun coach! Thanks for the game!”
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Bakkapp, the spare gobbo, was man of the match, and I'm not man enough to figure out why. But then again, none of the Orcs did anything, so it might just be as well.
Splatta, the troll who has cost me more apo than the rest of the team combined, pushed his limits today when he ate DoomDiva Wannabe.
This was in the last turn of the first half... Luckily I didn't use apo on the gobbo, cause Strakkblett had a brush with death. That would have been more costly.
Fun game and fun coach! Thanks for the game!”