“Another relatively humiliating match vs wood elves, although some last moment luck and smackage, as well as a final whistle interception by Harold the Conqueror, allowed the Harolds to suffer no worse than a tie.
Harold of Diemos' sprinting practice has finally borne fruit, as he can now keep pace with Harold of Phobos for an above average pair of young throwers.
An entertaining and hard fought match from both sides, with such hilarity as the treeman getting badly injured by a sucker punch delivered by Harold Torture while trying to block the rookie linemanthe opposing war dancer being nearly killed in a foul as payback for stealing the ball following a rather improbable 2 die against double POW and truly horrific ball bounce/scatter. The Python team doctor managed to staunch the bleeding however, and he recovered to play another day.
Good fight dagda, we'll see your silly walks on the pitch another time!”
Harold of Diemos' sprinting practice has finally borne fruit, as he can now keep pace with Harold of Phobos for an above average pair of young throwers.
An entertaining and hard fought match from both sides, with such hilarity as the treeman getting badly injured by a sucker punch delivered by Harold Torture while trying to block the rookie linemanthe opposing war dancer being nearly killed in a foul as payback for stealing the ball following a rather improbable 2 die against double POW and truly horrific ball bounce/scatter. The Python team doctor managed to staunch the bleeding however, and he recovered to play another day.
Good fight dagda, we'll see your silly walks on the pitch another time!”