Worked out our time-difference. Cyric a bit out of touch due to absence and me "recovering" from a late night out. Mix this with the fact that neither of us really have adobted to play these respective races (dwarves and Lizzards respectively) made for a decent match-up.
I had a relatively good feeling about winning the game when the star Runner was crowdpushed to a BH halfway through 1st half. This feeling however deminished greatly when 2nd half commenced - two Saurus KO and another one stunned in the opening drive really turned that previous feeling into one of more or less certain defeat. An OK fun game that unfortunately lacked any real exitement for the last half as Cyric skillfully grinded his dwarves down the field for a last turn TD.
Thanks for the game, pal. And good luck in the tourney.”
Worked out our time-difference. Cyric a bit out of touch due to absence and me "recovering" from a late night out. Mix this with the fact that neither of us really have adobted to play these respective races (dwarves and Lizzards respectively) made for a decent match-up.
I had a relatively good feeling about winning the game when the star Runner was crowdpushed to a BH halfway through 1st half. This feeling however deminished greatly when 2nd half commenced - two Saurus KO and another one stunned in the opening drive really turned that previous feeling into one of more or less certain defeat. An OK fun game that unfortunately lacked any real exitement for the last half as Cyric skillfully grinded his dwarves down the field for a last turn TD.
Thanks for the game, pal. And good luck in the tourney.”