It's been a few days since I last sat down to write in this log. We have been very busy since my last entry as I decided that it was best to reach the designated planet as soon as possible. Morale hasn't grown any better since the first day in this new frontier so I ordered the engine crew to try to find a way to boost the ships speed before someone makes life here on board even worse - no one have been showing any kind of dedication lately and it's affecting everybody; myself included. As I am the only one on board with any with any previous experience when it comes to warpstone propelled machines I have been leading this task, and it's been consuming almost all my time.
Yesterday we got it to work however and we have been flying with incredible speed ever since. It's been a turbulent ride to say the least but it's working and that's what matters. If my calculations are correct we should reach the planet within a day or two.
Imperial Year 2505.
It's been a few days since I last sat down to write in this log. We have been very busy since my last entry as I decided that it was best to reach the designated planet as soon as possible. Morale hasn't grown any better since the first day in this new frontier so I ordered the engine crew to try to find a way to boost the ships speed before someone makes life here on board even worse - no one have been showing any kind of dedication lately and it's affecting everybody; myself included. As I am the only one on board with any with any previous experience when it comes to warpstone propelled machines I have been leading this task, and it's been consuming almost all my time.
Yesterday we got it to work however and we have been flying with incredible speed ever since. It's been a turbulent ride to say the least but it's working and that's what matters. If my calculations are correct we should reach the planet within a day or two.