Got real lucky against the first attack of the elves, shadowing their ST4 catcher into the cage with my strip ball, then blitzing in with the RO (causing a cas) to get an assist, and ball got stripped.
Gutter runners - it went from one end of the field to the other.
First half ended 2-1, with a TD from Angstlick making him legend.
I recieved, and felt pretty confident in scoring 3-1, as I caused 1 more cas and 4 KO during the first turns of second half.
We played a strong defense, forcing the elves into making some rolls at 3+ at least to score. But damn they are hard to stop.
For 4-2 we trusted in the power of the runners, simply dodgeing past the elves in TZ's and throwing the ball in.
Great 3 TD's for my only ag4 runner!
Elves scored a comfort-goal, but the game was over.
Angstlick niggled on becoming legend. Arr.
Also, his catcher Tyriel aged a niggle. Arr.”
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