“What a game.... The game starts with that my opponents niggled blitzer cant play, bt the sneakey elves hired Horkon Heartripper, the infamous assassin to fill his place. His poisoned blade severely wounded a blitzer with his first attack. A few rounds after that Wulf died from a block and the apo failed to help him. (Wulf later on got the MVP for his bravery.) 1-0 for the Vikings was finally scored in the last turn, after some good defending by my opponent.
2:nd half looked very difficult. A few good men was to withstand the forthcoming onslaught from the wicked elves. And how they sacrificed them self. Beorn got his neck snapped and Ragnars ribcage was smashed. But then the elves tried to pass the ball, and something went wrong. Ulf took it and blitzed out the fumbly blitzer into the crowd. The brave men from the north that was still on the field then tried to hold on to the ball, but with a long pass and a handoff, the elves scored in the last second. Overtime!
Elves got the ball, and things were looking very hard for the Vikings. But a true Viking never gives up! And when the elves passing attempt went wrong again, Svein Starke slipped through the elflines, and snatched the ball. The coach instructed him to try and stall the game for as long as he dared. He dared for one turn, then the angry elves came running. 2-1.
Now the Elves had 4 turns to score. But something went wrong early on in the drive, and afer a doubleskull, the men from the north had yet another chance to sack the ballcarrier. Svein bravely took the teamcaptains job and ran through the lines, delivering a powerful uppercut, forcing the elf to let go og the ball. Svein pressed himself further, and picked it up. Now, 1 turn to go. The elves had to knock him over to be able to equalize. Svein found himself surrounded by 3 elves when the nasty elfblitzer leaned in for a powerful blitz. But Svein readied himself, and stood his ground, still clinging desperately to the ball. Then with his last might, he dodged out from them, and sprinted in for his 2:nd, and the Vikings 3:rd goal of the day.
Well played Khondal, i actually thought you had this game rather comfortably. Now im of for the banquette in the Lounge. Svein has already started the celebrations i think, he is not the most modest man around :-) ”
2:nd half looked very difficult. A few good men was to withstand the forthcoming onslaught from the wicked elves. And how they sacrificed them self. Beorn got his neck snapped and Ragnars ribcage was smashed. But then the elves tried to pass the ball, and something went wrong. Ulf took it and blitzed out the fumbly blitzer into the crowd. The brave men from the north that was still on the field then tried to hold on to the ball, but with a long pass and a handoff, the elves scored in the last second. Overtime!
Elves got the ball, and things were looking very hard for the Vikings. But a true Viking never gives up! And when the elves passing attempt went wrong again, Svein Starke slipped through the elflines, and snatched the ball. The coach instructed him to try and stall the game for as long as he dared. He dared for one turn, then the angry elves came running. 2-1.
Now the Elves had 4 turns to score. But something went wrong early on in the drive, and afer a doubleskull, the men from the north had yet another chance to sack the ballcarrier. Svein bravely took the teamcaptains job and ran through the lines, delivering a powerful uppercut, forcing the elf to let go og the ball. Svein pressed himself further, and picked it up. Now, 1 turn to go. The elves had to knock him over to be able to equalize. Svein found himself surrounded by 3 elves when the nasty elfblitzer leaned in for a powerful blitz. But Svein readied himself, and stood his ground, still clinging desperately to the ball. Then with his last might, he dodged out from them, and sprinted in for his 2:nd, and the Vikings 3:rd goal of the day.
Well played Khondal, i actually thought you had this game rather comfortably. Now im of for the banquette in the Lounge. Svein has already started the celebrations i think, he is not the most modest man around :-) ”