“A very close game that the citadels probably should have lost.
The game started well for the High Elves, with a 2 turn touchdown converted after receiving the ball. However over-eager to turn over their opponents the Citadels threw too many players forward. This, combined with a massive player loss in casualties and KO's, left their defence weak.
It took a desperate defence on theit TD line to stop the ball from being taken over, before Uthiel stole in and made an Old World class half pitch pass for elthar to steal a 2-0 lead at half time.
The second half saw the Old Blddies run in a TD, whilst Daedail, the weakest Citadel player (St2) took out a Troll after leaping over a stunty! (Ok, so he took himself out as well...).
Watch the replay for the greatest escape you will ever see! (probably).”
“Yet again the old Biddies proved themselves incapable of capitalising on any kind of advantage.
Knocking the Citadels down to 5 men with the ball in gobbo hands on the edge of the endzone an equaliser seemed certain! The decision not to risk the GFI as the Citadels would still have 2 or 3 turns to take the lead again seemed reasonable. The sheer speed of the Lion Warrior caught the Biddies off guard and led to a mighty impresive blitzing and a ridiculously good pass to put themselves 2-0 Down at Half time.
The second half was slightly more in the Biddies control. However the incredibly lax protection of the ballcarrier led to him being blitzed on several occasions, eventually a sound duffing over of several elves helped ensure a touchdown. But not before a St2 lineman produced a judo kick from nowhere to Knock down Ethel the troll in her first game. The fact it was a 3 dice my pick block only added to the humour.”
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
The game started well for the High Elves, with a 2 turn touchdown converted after receiving the ball. However over-eager to turn over their opponents the Citadels threw too many players forward. This, combined with a massive player loss in casualties and KO's, left their defence weak.
It took a desperate defence on theit TD line to stop the ball from being taken over, before Uthiel stole in and made an Old World class half pitch pass for elthar to steal a 2-0 lead at half time.
The second half saw the Old Blddies run in a TD, whilst Daedail, the weakest Citadel player (St2) took out a Troll after leaping over a stunty! (Ok, so he took himself out as well...).
Watch the replay for the greatest escape you will ever see! (probably).”