“Thought to myself that my opponent was slightly mad for challenging my dorfs with his skaven, but seeing he had a 4/0/0 record and his personal page said he'd been playing bloodbowl since 1993, I agreed to the game. Turned out to be a classic dwarf game, with me receiving and scoring late in the first half, then allowing a TD quick and scoring again on turn 16.
Was a man down (dwarf) from the ref sending my DP out on the first turn, so I played all game with 10. The rest of my dwarfs proved resilient and they stayed on pitch while the skaven dwindled, and with that the chance of them prying the ball lose and keeping it became very slim. Made a lucky dodge out with the slayer to crowd a rat early in second half, and it worked out beautifully. Gutter still made the TD but if he had failed, my team would've been in position to throw the whole ratcage into the crowd!
Well, thanks for the game, skinnydookie. Rematch soon (though with diferent teams probably) :)”
Was a man down (dwarf) from the ref sending my DP out on the first turn, so I played all game with 10. The rest of my dwarfs proved resilient and they stayed on pitch while the skaven dwindled, and with that the chance of them prying the ball lose and keeping it became very slim. Made a lucky dodge out with the slayer to crowd a rat early in second half, and it worked out beautifully. Gutter still made the TD but if he had failed, my team would've been in position to throw the whole ratcage into the crowd!
Well, thanks for the game, skinnydookie. Rematch soon (though with diferent teams probably) :)”