The order of the day? Fangs, just the one set, and lots of squishy thrallings. We almost managed to win, would you believe! Alas we fell over and fumbled the ball to the oppositition, who then scored on the last turn! But we played it with style, dodging and weaving and blocking, never fearing the evil enemy! The have to be evil, they're vampires!
Doj-Dowo the Veteran of the team managed to show up and started things off with a bang, scoring the first touchdown.. The the Thralls ground us down the pitch until Sarah managed to score the equaliser. The vampires to receive and... Sarah gets a little hungry! Pyack Nonus runs through, grabs the ball, and then they can't stop him! Once more though our defence is innefectual, as they score the second equaliser. Alas, to fail so close to victory, as when we went for the line we were tripped! Tripped by the evil vampires!
Luckily for us it was a quiet match, with only one death, but the apothecary showed up today! saving a life of a skink. With Burunua returning next match we feel we have a good chance!
The order of the day? Fangs, just the one set, and lots of squishy thrallings. We almost managed to win, would you believe! Alas we fell over and fumbled the ball to the oppositition, who then scored on the last turn! But we played it with style, dodging and weaving and blocking, never fearing the evil enemy! The have to be evil, they're vampires!
Doj-Dowo the Veteran of the team managed to show up and started things off with a bang, scoring the first touchdown.. The the Thralls ground us down the pitch until Sarah managed to score the equaliser. The vampires to receive and... Sarah gets a little hungry! Pyack Nonus runs through, grabs the ball, and then they can't stop him! Once more though our defence is innefectual, as they score the second equaliser. Alas, to fail so close to victory, as when we went for the line we were tripped! Tripped by the evil vampires!
Luckily for us it was a quiet match, with only one death, but the apothecary showed up today! saving a life of a skink. With Burunua returning next match we feel we have a good chance!
Thankyou for the game Migi, was a lot of fun.”