“Me dun no wut be happin dat game. Biig saw ting by gobbo hurt us purty bad tday. Me smash im gud dough, make'm hurt weal bad n'stuff. We wudda wun but dem gurls on da sidline be distractin us from puttin da beat'n on dos gobbos. Next time we hurt dem better!”
#10 Otto von Scheissberg – Broken Ribs (MNG) #10 Otto von Scheissberg – Smashed Hip (-MA)
“..and tzhat wasz the 10thz victory in a rrrowh... - and the hardestz weee have playedhh.... Thoze big foul zmelling Ogrez was trying to step on our headz - but azz usually we fartedh, fouledh and put our pee on their bodieszz... hohohohohohoh”
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