#9 Bo VIII – Broken Ribs (MNG) #9 Bo VIII – Smashed Knee (NI)
“It was a fellow skaven team which volunteered to be the next to bash us into oblivion, suffering a first-turn niggled linerat via gang-foul (was only able to bh the dp rat in return), 1d crowdpushed MNG to my gutter instead of scoring, and a str 4/agi 4 thrower with ironman just making an enormous nuisance of himself.
Get two MNG back, lose three more MNG, for the third consecutive game. Last three games have 14 cas suffered, including two niggles, -ma, 4 more MNG and a dead 106 spp linerat. All three games lost, of course, and screwed for next game as well. *sigh* Another few games like this, and we'll consider benching skaven for a while...a week at least...”
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Get two MNG back, lose three more MNG, for the third consecutive game. Last three games have 14 cas suffered, including two niggles, -ma, 4 more MNG and a dead 106 spp linerat. All three games lost, of course, and screwed for next game as well. *sigh* Another few games like this, and we'll consider benching skaven for a while...a week at least...”