“a lucky opponent, whose sole goal in the game was to try (and fail) to destroy opposing players. a better play from his part would have allowed him to draw, but fortunately he was bad enough for this not to happen.
it is interesting to note that he seems to be complaining about my fouling his MB Beastman on turn 15, when he used this very beastman to blitz during the whole game, even players who were very remote from the ball. it's quite amusing to see someone whine about a foul when they've ignored the ball to try and get CAS during the whole game =)
last but not least, he was borderline insulting in the game, and crossed this line in the match report, which, quite frankly, says a lot about this guy =)”
“le genre de débile léger qui se plaint tout le match du résultat des dés en ne tenant compte que des jets positifs de l'adversaire.
et qui foule tour 15 pendant qu'il stalle 4 tours avant de marquer...
A éviter ”
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it is interesting to note that he seems to be complaining about my fouling his MB Beastman on turn 15, when he used this very beastman to blitz during the whole game, even players who were very remote from the ball. it's quite amusing to see someone whine about a foul when they've ignored the ball to try and get CAS during the whole game =)
last but not least, he was borderline insulting in the game, and crossed this line in the match report, which, quite frankly, says a lot about this guy =)”